Go Northlake STEMM Academy LLC (ELITE STEMM), the #1 choice for After-School in Texas!
Welcome to ELITE STEMM: After-School, Enrichment, Tutoring and Mentoring services.
ELITE STEMM provides an on-site, all-inclusive, and customizable program designed for your school! Each day after school, students can participate in a variety of activities and curriculum for their learning, enrichment, and enjoyment!
ELITE STEMM provides your school with an exceptional, safe, and convenient after-school program that fulfills the educational, creative, and recreational interests of any child!
Our ELITE STEMM is a turnkey after-school program with the following features:
And More! We handle everything! Materials & Supplies Professional & Caring Staff
Northlake STEM Academy minimum criteria for staff selection is straight forward - minimum college degree, teaching certification, minimum of 2 years of teaching experience in ES/MS/HS schools and finally no past criminal history. Service delivery models might change throughout the course of treatment depending on the needs of the student. For example, a model might start off by providing direct one-on-one services to teach a skill, but then switch to a consultative/ collaborative role to help a student generalize his or her skills within the classroom environment.